customer paying merchant with credit card


What Are Merchant Services For Small Businesses?

If you run a business, then you probably have a lot on your plate. You need to figure out how you can meet the needs of your customers and clients while still generating enough money to keep the lights on. In addition, how will you accept payments? The days of accepting only cash are long… Read more »

close up of wallet with credit cards in it Card Connect Paradise Clover Merchant Services Charge It Now


Applying for a Merchant Account

Smart merchants know that accepting credit and debit card payments from their customers means more business, more profit and more satisfied clients. But how do you set your business up to take card payments in the first place? This can be a confusing and frustrating process, but CardConnect Paradise makes it simple for you by… Read more »

businessman on phone


Understanding Underwriting

The underwriting process can be confusing and frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be! Understanding what information the underwriters are asking for and why it’s being requested can help put merchants at ease and speed along the process. After all, an underwriting review is necessary in order to be approved for a merchant account, and… Read more »


Cardpointe API: Accept Payments on your WordPress Website

Cardpointe Gateway API allows you to integrate payment acceptance with your own tools, and can be incredibly convenient! This article will cover how to set up a shopping cart on your WordPress website using Cardpointe API and the WooCommerce plugin. No coding required! Getting Started For this tutorial, you will need your website to be… Read more »

11|2021 Your Shopping Cart Solution

Integration is always a forefront issue when setting up a business online. Webhosts, payment gateways, API… it can easily get muddled and confusing on how to fit all the puzzle pieces together and create a functional platform for your customers. Thankfully, there’s one easy solution for taking payments: is one of the original… Read more »


Cardpointe: Recurring Billing

Our merchants know that Cardpointe is an incredible gateway. Business owners have access to a fully-customizable virtual terminal, real-time reporting on transactions and funding, open API and more. But what many merchants don’t realize is that Cardpointe also gives them the ability to set up recurring billing for their clients. Set Up a Billing Plan… Read more »


PCI Compliance

What is PCI Compliance? PCI stands for Payment Card Industry. PCI standards were developed by the major card brands as a way to address potential vulnerabilities and guide organizations to maintain the integrity of cardholder data. All merchants are required to be compliant in order to accept credit cards. Why is PCI Compliance Important? PCI… Read more »

merchant services Los Angles, CA


InstantAccept: Your QuickBooks Integration Solution

The question of integration is always at the forefront when choosing a payment processor, and one of the most popular requests is Quickbooks. As Quickbooks is used by so many businesses for so many aspects, such as payroll, invoicing and inventory management, it’s incredibly convenient to have a solution for directing your payments through your… Read more »


What is PIN Debit?

PIN (personal identification number) debit is a debit transaction that’s routed through the debit network instead of the credit network. Debit transactions typically offer higher security and lower costs for merchants, but what is the difference between PIN and signature, and why does it matter? Signature Debit Signature debit is a debit transaction that’s being… Read more »


Hosted Payment Page: Design

One of Cardpointe’s best features is a personalized hosted payment page. You can text or email a link directly to your customers for remote payment, as well as add a “Pay Now” button to your website! This addition to our platform was instrumental in allowing businesses to continue operation through the closures of the COVID-19… Read more »