Simple and Affordable
Donation Management

help them help you‎‎‎‎

Easily accept and manage your donations in person and online, helping your community grow and flourish.

54% of donors worldwide prefer to give online with a credit or debit card.
49% of all church giving is done with a credit or debit card
Churches that accept tithing online increase overall donations by 32%

Designed with insight from
experienced congregation leaders

Keep things simple and user-friendly for your donors, and yourself.

End of Year Giving Statements

Save time and sanity at the end of the year by sending all your giving statements with the click of a button!

Increased Giving & Low Rates

More ways to contribute and wholesale processing rates means you can put more funds back into your organization.


Paradise Payments is fully PCI compliant, and comes with access to an easy to use self-assessment to help keep you and your donors secure.