Merchant Credit Card Processing
Merchant account service providers can setup your business with a merchant account to accept all major credit cards and bank ATM Debit cards. For the lowest possible cost, look for a service provider that offers only bank direct merchant accounts, saving its merchants a significant amount of money per year in credit card processing costs!
As salt & pepper merchants become a thing of the past, use of electronic card readers to enter credit card transactions is fast giving way to doing business over the Web. There are basically two ways you can process credit card sales online. One is to have a secured email sent from an electronic form on your site to you and then you process the sale amount using a credit card processing system set up at your place of work.
For doing business over the Web, you don’t need those gadgets that have a slot to swipe a card, and a numeric keypad to enter the numbers manually (in case the swipe doesn’t work). For online card transactions, you need a payment-processing software package. Payment-processing software is usually sold as a service rather than a product, which means you don’t install it on your Web server and run it on your own. What you need to do is simply pass credit card data to the software company’s server, and they take it from there.
After a charge is made, the transaction must be posted both to your account and to the customer’s. If a transmission gets lost or garbled, or if a computer somewhere along the way crashes, the system needs to be able to overcome this, and make sure that everything still balances at the end of the day. You also need secure access to your merchant account, so that you can check balances and enter transactions manually if necessary.