Many merchant accounts are vying for your attention in the marketplace, so before you go shopping for a merchant account, it is necessary that you choose the one that is most relevant for you.
Here’s a basic checklist that one can benefit from:.
- Are any discounts or penalties extended during different transaction scenarios?
- Review the kind of charges that are levied for disqualified or unsuccessful transactions
- Talk to past customers and find out the reliability of the support system that is provided
- The account that you are choosing may be inexpensive, but does it really suit your business is the question you really need to ask
- Analysis of fee structure is important as it will reflect if your outgoing expenditure on merchant account is more then your business profit.
- The type of merchant account also needs to be clarified, if it’s a internet / mail order merchant account then it is not suitable for your offline retail business
- Is batch fees part of charge structure, if yes then how much is that you need to find out.
This checklist should help you avoid extra expenses and pitfalls.